WARNING: Sunday 11pm January 19 – Thursday 12 noon. You Must Drip Your Water
Going to be 28 degrees.
Please remind all your neighbors in your building.
Freezing temperatures can rupture and break your water pipes in Jefferson Parish. When this happens, pipes in walls and ceilings can burst and destroy your personal property. Failure to take precautionary steps can cost thousands of dollars in building and personal property damage.
Whenever the temperature is forecasted to drop below freezing (32 degrees) between the 29 – 25 degree range or lower for 3 hours or more, you will need to slightly open ALL the faucets in your home and outside (hot and cold) so that they drip roughly a 1/3 pencil thickness stream or about 1/8 inch stream. Also, cover those outside pipes by the water faucet with a bath towel or small blanket. This will prevent pipes in the ceiling above your TV, bed, or other furnishings from bursting during a freeze and destroying your property. This is a very inexpensive precautionary measure that will not raise your water bill more than 3-4 bucks a month in the worst-case scenario
Please watch this video to get a good idea of what to do: